Media Interview
Sustainable Carbon Reduction
28 August 2023
The most recent episode of "Sustainability - Carbon Reduction - Integration" on RTHK CIBS Radio is now available! Mr. Dennis Wu, our Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, was glad to meet with the hosts to discuss the visions and operations of AEC Group as well as the most recent developments in the fields of green finance and carbon neutrality.
As a seasoned specialist in both green finance and ESG, Dennis shed light on the role of green finance and went into great details about the process and core elements of green bond issuance, and the importance of ESG factors in assessing corporate performance and risk management. In order to assist our customers in achieving their various ESG targets and delivering sustainable values, AECGroup offers planning and execution services through a dedicated and compliant to help our clients achieve their various ESG objectives and deliver sustainable values.
When discussing carbon tariffs and carbon leakage, Dennis suggested that companies in Hong Kong should set carbon reduction targets and adopt measures such as energy conservation, energy efficiency, use of renewable energy and green technologies to reduce their carbon footprints while contributing to the carbon neutrality targets of Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.
Dennis also shared some useful tips on lowering carbon emissions, such as how to save energy and recycle rubbish at work and at home. He encouraged everyone to put their best foot forward and actively participate in AECGroup’s projects and activities to advance sustainable development and environmental protection together.
Thank you once again to RTHK for this amazing opportunity! We hope Dennis's sharing will provide you with a firsthand understanding of the significance of green finance and carbon neutrality for sustainable urban development.
Listen to the eposide here: : Putonghua|CIBS節目:持續‧減碳‧一體化