Bank of China Tower (BOCT), Bank of China Building (BOCB), Bank of China Centre (BOCC), Bank of China Credit Card Centre (BCCC) and Bank of China Wan Chai Commercial Centre (WCKP) are the core buildings located in Central, Kowloon, Sheung Wan and Wan Chai. Those buildings sum up with around 170,000 m2 of Gross Floor Area (GFA) and they were all certified with Final Platinum rating BEAM Plus EB V2.0 Comprehensive Scheme during 2022–2023. AEC was appointed as project BEAM consultant to provide a full body check of these buildings and make recommendations to the facility management company for improving building performance and identifying outstanding features.
In this case, AEC successfully took one of the most representative Chinese banks on a journey of green existing buildings, not only contributing to BOC’s carbon neutrality roadmap but also setting a good example for others. AEC collaborated with the building owner and property management team on the improvement of building efficiency. Through a series of energy-saving measures, the energy efficiency of buildings over 30 years old was effectively improved. The concept of green operation was also successfully instilled into the FM team, promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness throughout the organization.
Other outstanding green and performance features of the core buildings are summarized below table:
Operate International Organization for Standardization (ISO) such as 14001@, 45001# and 50001$
@ Applicable to BOCT, BOCB, BOCC and WCKP
# Applicable to BOCT and BOCC
$ Applicable to BOCT, BOCC, and WCKP
Site Aspects
@Awarded Platinum Award in Charter on External Lighting by Environment Bureau
@ Except WCKP
Water Use
@Awarded certificate under Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Plus); and
@Awarded certificate under Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Flushing Water
@ Except BCBC
Indoor Environmental Quality
# Certified under EPD ‘Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Office and Public Place’
# Except BCCC
Indoor Environmental Quality
# Certified under EPD ‘Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Office and Public Place’
# Except BCCC
Innovations and Additions
Awarded Wastewi$e@, IAQwi$e# and Energy wi$e# Certificate
@ Except BCCC
# Applicable to BOCC