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Collaboration | AEC Becomes Member of the Guangzhou Exploration&Design Association HK-Macau Chapter

Congratulations to the official establishment of the Hong Kong-Macau Development Chapter of the Guangzhou Exploration & Design Association on November 1, 2023! AECGroup is incredibly honored to be selected as one of the official corporate members of the newly established Hong Kong-Macau Development Chapter of the esteemed association, which will undoubtedly bring more business opportunities and regional influence to the company.

Embodying the win-win spirit to promote high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, AEC Group is proud to join forces with the Guangzhou Exploration & Design Association as their strategic partner to further advance the initiative. It was a tremendous opportunity for us to meet with industry elites from Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau and to exchange ideas on how to achieve higher levels of architectural engineering survey and design and how we can apply them to our future projects.

Once again, our most sincere gratitude and congratulations to the Guangzhou Exploration & Design Association and their official establishment of the Hong Kong-Macau Development Chapter! We look forward to collaborating with various sectors and working together to make continuous efforts for sustainable development and the environmental construction industry.


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