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Award | AEC Group Awarded CHO Appreciation Award 2023 Company Award

AEC Group is incredibly honored to receive the prestigious Chief Happiness Officer Appreciation Award 2023 Company Award! Our sincere gratitude to the Chief Happiness Officer Association for recognizing our efforts in improving employees’ happiness and mental well-being in a positive working environment.

It was inspiring to hear from the honorary guest Professor Sophia Chan, Former Secretary for Food and Health, now a Professor of Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine and a Senior Advisor to the President's Office at HKU, who emphasized the increasing importance of work-life balance nowadays, and it is vital for us to keep advocating a physically and mentally healthy and pleasant working environment for all employees!

With this award, AECGroup will continue to “walk the talk” and strive our best to build a happy and healthy workplace culture with positive energy in the years to come!


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