Our heartfelt gratitude to LEED in North Asia of USGreenBuildingCouncil and Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) for organizing such a high-level forum to explore green sustainability in the future of real estate development! Ms. Grace Kwok, our Chairman and Executive Director at AEC Group, was delighted to join the forum in Shanghai last week where she shared the stage with two other esteemed LEED Fellows, Johnny Chen from SSDC澄毓绿建筑设计顾问 Segreene Sustainable Design and Consulting and Lili Pan from 健住社 | TREND for an engaging panel discussion. It was a great opportunity to get inspired by their journeys as green pioneers as they shared valuable insights on sustainable building practices.
As a seasoned sustainability leader, Grace also expressed the urgent need to establish climate risk management as a mainstream topic, and emphasized the importance of enhancing our climate resilience and adaptability to tackle the challenges ahead.
AECGroup looks forward to taking part in more impactful conversations to drive the green sustainable revolution for a better built environment together!